Kaik' hallille pelailemaan!
Tulisko pari pelaaja viel'
Sählys for spring season have been scheduled. No sähly on Thu 1.5. and 29.5. No other exceptions. Last sähly on Thu 12.6.
Hi, itse time to pay for the Thu-sähly season autumn 2024. There has been 12 regular players (7 games or more): Timo, Kim, Jonne, Laurent, Kai, Kari, Jukka, Ruurik, Lalli, Jan, Sami and Pasi. There was/ will be (19.12. is last sähly) 19 games this season (á 59 e), but we were charged half price 15.8. because the door code didn't work. So the overall cost is 1091,50 euros. We had 285,80 euros left from last seasons occasional players. So this season regular player's share is only 67,10 euros.
I'm sorry, but I paid already the sum to Unisport, so this time only money will do (no other means of payment).
So, regular players, transfer your share to my bank account FI11 8000 2650 0783 96 or Mobile pay 0408206505.
I will charge occasional players after the season (so far Aki, Mika, Teemu, Markus and Allu) (Tero paid already his share).
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